Sunday, July 31, 2016

July 31

What a difference a year makes.

As the calendar gets ready to flip into August, I'm 40 days out from race day and feeling pretty good about things. Maybe I'm just kidding myself but last year at this time I felt like I was trying to convince myself that everything was ok when it wasn't. Mentally I wasn't in the game as BBW was getting the best of me and the nagging PF was not helping. This time around I'm injury free and while I'm not running as long or as fast I would like to, I'm in a good place.

I haven't done as much running as I would like this month due to the heat and taking extra rest (some of which was just laziness) and had to step up my game just to hit 100 miles for the month. I know I shouldn't stress about a random number but it was in my head. There was also some good natured peer pressure from the Twitter community that motivated me to log 23 miles over the last 2 days with 3 quality runs.

Since the weather hasn't been conducive to being out after 9 or so on weekends, coupled with my inability to get out of bed to be out on the road before the sun comes up, I'm actually taking a liking to these Saturday doubles.

Another thing I have going for me is the results of my latest Inside Tracker test. As I mentioned before, my iron levels were a bit off so I made some changes in my diet and supplementation which have me going in the right direction.

I've also optimized a few other markers that were off so now it's just a matter of staying the course and losing some weight.

As things sit today, every thing's in its right place and I hope to keep it that way. As long as I listen to my body and take extra rest when it wants it, I see no reason I won't do great in UT as long as I don't sweat the small stuff.

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